I know I should update the blog more often but I have been busy working on stuff and have not had time to post any updates.
First off, I got word that the show is coming along great and all the post production is almost completed. There is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes word is that it’s all good.
Just wrapped up two major stock footage deals for two shows and now I’m booked to go and film a pilot production later on this week for a company in the UK. This is a pilot tv show project but if everything goes well with the shoot for the first part and the network loves it, I will be back filming the whole show for them. Can’t say what it is or for who it is but it’s not weather related.
Otherwise, just slaving away in the office today trying to get through a ton of stock footage catalogs from the guys this season for the website. I got at least two terabytes of HD footage to edit through and make into stock video catalogs in the 10 days and then get the new site format up and running during the slow weather period.
Oh yeah, Gustav is loving his new home. Neva and I got a kitty that loves to be photographed and loves to just hang around us. Here is a photo Neva took last night as Gustav was just chilling out with me watching TV. I swear this kitty would want control of the remote if he knew it could change the channel to Animal Planet…