Wow, a second blog post from me in under a week…

Hey it is amazing, I’m actually updating the blog more then once every few months…  I have been pretty busy but I am trying to get this page updated with the new stuff that I have been shooting on a timely bases.

So Friday I was at the gym working out and just got done working out with my trainer and I was doing some cardio work when I got the call to get out and get footage of a crime scene on the north side of Saint Cloud. 

Saint Cloud, MN north side shooting B-roll footage

After the crazy afternoon of crime scene footage the weather turned to snow again for the Interstate 94 and central Minnesota area.

3/15/2013 Winter storm in Stearns County, MN

And after being the sober cab for friends last night, Neva and I were able to catch one of the most vivid displays of the Northern Lights that we have seen in years. 

3/17/2013 Auroras Over Saint Cloud MN

The Auroras were some of the best colors as the lights turned to deep reds for a time and the auroras lasted from about 3am until sunrise.

Ok, time to get some sleep before the blizzard hits tonight.