Still working on the major overhaul

I am still working on the site. If you are seeing this, then you are seeing all the blogs slowly moved over to the new setup, one by one. This is an extremely slow and tedious task but looking at the old site, it needed it really bad.

So many broken links, spelling and grammar errors and just garbage coding. As of right now, I am down to just over 400 pages left to transfer to the new setup. After the blogs are moved over, I will then rebuild my personal photo gallery on MY SITE with MY TERMS and the way I want it to be and look and feel. This is the huge step away from social media and back to bring the fans to my site where you can view the high quality images.

If I can maintain a 50 page per hour average tomorrow, I should be able to get all the pages moved over by the end of the day, provided no I do not have any distractions.