It ends here tonight!

If you are seeing this on 7/25/2016 at 11:51 PM, this site is gone.  

*** Update *** Well actually, if you are seeing this, you are on the new site framework.

I have spent the last 6 months rebuilding and moving EVERYTHING over to a new system and reviewed the last 18 years of my life… Crazy eh? 

Don’t worry, everything is not lost, but something new, something beautiful, SOMETHING WITH SPELL CHECK AND grammar checking that was about 25 years overdue is in the works.  All the data, files and actual working links are all here on this page you are reading. I did this to preserve all of my old work so that one day when I’m long gone, I will leave something behind for my daughter to review and read that is NOT on FaceBook or some other social media site. I also did this because I wanted to take back MY social media posts and MY content to MY site where I am the only censor and the images and or video posted is NOT in some highly compressed format but the clean pristine clear image quality that we had before Anti Social Media and any advertising that happened to be on this page, yeah, I get paid for it, NOT some social media company.

Now that the site content is all over here, I will be working on moving about 5 years of my social media life from CRACKBOOK, (Facebook) back over here to this site. I’m also going to be blogging and VLOGGING (Video Blogging) a lot more.

Some people thought and have said “Do You Even Chase Anymore” and the answer was and always is, YES but my website sucked so I never posted. Well, I’M BACK!

I’m working on the transition of all the old content from the sand box site, the Dot Net site and working on moving it back to the the main site, the site.

Right now, if you see this site and it is the site, and this is NOT the top or current blog, you are on the new setup. Otherwise, if this is the top post, you are on the site

Thank you,
