If you are seeing this and the domain name says WeatherPaparazzi.com, you are on the new website home for my website.
First off, MONTHS of repairs, re coding, cleaning, spell checking, grammar checking and editing is completed as of 7/26/2019.
For those wondering if and asking “Do You Still Chase” Yes I do and now that I have this 20 year old mess of website cleaned up and working for the first time in years, I’m going to be a lot more vocal about stuff since I’m no longer going to be depending on Facebook or other social media sites to host my work but only be used as a search engine for my work. EVERYTHING is on my page and images will be clean and uncompressed and points of view will be uncensored!
Oh yeah, “Do I Still Chase? Yes and now that the backlog of office crap is getting caught up, going to be out a lot more later this season and next season.
Here is my news video from just south east of home. I’m working on a blog video to post later tonight.