I did a new Behind The Chase (BTC) video for this week talking about the crazy lightning effects that happen on video from nearby strikes.
Video goes over the viral video from the Horry County, South Carolina Public Schools of one of their employees in a thunderstorm. https://twitter.com/EdPiotrowski/status/1162423232722591745
Baking Cookies by Bryan Snider https://www.bryansnider.com
Slow motion lightning by Matt Robinson http://metroscenes.com
September 2005 close lightning used in this video: https://youtu.be/2U_4XSaRTJY
Our August 2005 Lightning used in this video: https://youtu.be/VQrHwuXbpCc
Rove Dash Camera https://www.rovedashcam.com/products/rove-r2-4k-car-dashcam