Back home, and packing for the big move and what have I been up to.

Wow, it seems kind of strange but I’m back home in Burnsville tonight, er this morning.  I’m getting caught up on all the paperwork from the last two months that has been stacking up here at home.  And now I get to take care of it and then get everything ready for the big move to St. Cloud at the end of the month. 

I looked at another chasers blog and it looks like the whole chase scene knows that I’m on a TV show now. How they found out, well, don’t know, don’t really care because it is obvious that their are no secrets in storm chasing since it is a gossip fest. They know I’m in the show but the cool part is that only the crew and I know what really happened. I made sure I have given a lot of bullshit answers to everyone that has been asking me what happened. Hell I think there is a rumor out there that I got struck by lightning or smashed the truck into a tree or even rolled it down a ditch. What really happened? Tune in and watch!

Ok what else is up. Now that I’m back home for a few weeks to take care of my business before Hurricane Season goes into full blown action, I’m going to try and get the websites caught up.

On the chasing scene, I was chasing last night and yesterday. I followed the storms from St. Cloud to Northfield MN and shot some sweet lightning footage. The footage is listed below.

Vivid cloud to cloud non-stop lightning over Northfield, MN – 7/7/2008

And on the personal side of things. Neva and I went up north to her family small town cabin area on Lake Osakis.

Neva and I 2008

Well, that is pretty much it for now.  Been hella busy working on the show and working on other projects for BNVN so no time to update over the last month but I will be updating the blog when I can.

Until the next update.