If you are reading this, I’m sitting in front of a lot of computer screens and on a Rush live CD Marathon while I’m still working on the blog transfers.
I pretty much have about 700 more blogs or pages to convert to this site setup. Yes. this time the working on the website is really happening and taking back my blogs and stories and (Anti) Social Media posts and bringing it back to MY page where I’m the one that is in charge of what can and can not be posted. Well, not going to post anything illegal or immoral, that would just be F-d Up but you get the point. Bringing the web back to what it was 15 years ago where my posts, my points of view and what I say and post is on MY PAGE!
Now that I’m about half way through the transfer of posts / pages I’m actually pretty excited about this and working to get it all done this week and then work on the photo gallery and missing blogs. Last month, hell last year this was a planned project but is was just like WTF, it will take forever and it will really suck to do. After working on it for days, it needed a major overhaul is all I can say and not be profane…
Another thing I’m looking forward too is the system now has a spell check and grammar review before I post new content. WHAT? No more messed up posts where I really mess up the spelling? Nope, not anymore and seeing some of the stuff I posted over a decade ago, I want to slap myself. God I looked like an idiot.