It has been an interesting week to say the least and it was good to wrap up and end it on a fun little chase about 100 miles to the west near Wheaton, MN. While a lot of my crews went to chase the 5% tornado risk in Iowa, I looked at the forecast at 6am and said NOPE. Nick called this afternoon to tell me that even he blew off Iowa and stayed in the Twin Cities. Where there storms in Iowa? YES. Where they worth justifying driving 6 hours south to chase them? NOPE! I’m glad the secondary target worked out but I had to take care of some obligations at home to help Neva out and then at the office so I got a late start and did not make it up to North Dakota but still love chasing in western Minnesota where the area is perfect for chasing.
Not a lot of lightning and the hail was mostly pea size to marble size but being home within two hours after the chase was worth it. Time to get some sleep and consider heading to north central South Dakota later Sunday.
Tonight was one of those weather setups that was just relaxing drive in the country and filled with vivid cloud to cloud lightning in the sky making for a peaceful end to a somewhat stressful day.
I drove down highway 15 from home towards Hutchinson, MN which is about an hour south of the house (and more then 20 miles). It was good to get out and just watch the slow moving storm that was all cloud to cloud lightning. I’m not sure why some storms are like this one where I did not see any cloud to ground lightning strikes but I am not complaining ether since it was a little more safer in my mind but in reality, it was still pretty sketchy standing out under lightning flashing in the sky.
6/14/2015 Hutchinson, MN Lightning At Dusk
I was sitting back watching the lightning and just taking it all in when I realized, maybe I should also setup my still camera. Below are the two shots from tonight that I like the best.
In the first photograph, the lightning reminds me of some of my very early work from 1995 where the structure looks kind of like a a web. Wow, thinking back to that photography from 1995 just kind of made me take a step back and realize that I have been doing this photography and video thing longer then some of the other people getting into chasing, longer then some have been alive. And those days back in the 90s seem like yesterday.
Below is my favorite from today. It only caught half of the lightning that filled the sky but it was close enough to fill the camera with a lot of detail within the cloud to cloud lightning.
Well, it is late and I should get to bed before the sun rises so Neva and I can get the permits for the city compost since we did a lot of yard work this weekend and now the last of the clean up must be done so the yard looks great.
On another note, I really like moving all the blog stuff off of the social media and back to my corner of the interweb stuff. This week I hope that Neva and I can finally pick a date and place for a nice small wedding sometime later this year. As my mom said to use a few weeks ago, “Hurry Up, I’m not getting any younger”.
Yesterday I went on one of the many chases that “rumor”
has it that I never do anymore since it was over 20 miles from home.
The target area for me was well defined days in advance and in an area
that I love to chase in, western Minnesota where visibility is not a
problem with trees.
After helping Neva out with some much needed chores at home with the yard, I took off to drive out west towards my target area that was near Benson to Morris, MN. The storms were just firing up and were looking amazing as I pulled off to a safe parking spot off of the road so as to not block traffic or be in anyone’s way. A Pontiac pulled up and I was thinking great more locals to mess up my audio track on the video cameras. Turns out I had to apologize to some new chasers that showed up that I was kind of rude to at first. I thought they were locals just seeing what I was doing and I was telling them to get out of the area as the radar was showing 2″ hail just off to the west of our location.
We chatted for a few minutes before the rain started and the hail
core was about to hit. I packed up my camera gear. I was heading west
toward the storm when I noticed one small detail, I failed to stop and
top off the fuel tank in Benson before I stopped to document the
lightning. Whoops, I had to turn and head back to Benson for a fuel and
then continue the chase.
After filling up the truck, the radar showed the storm split into two
possible targets. One to my northeast and one to my southwest. The
southwest target looked better on radar and was closer so I took the
closest option. The storm looked decent and at one point the radar
showed some rotation.
In the photo above, the rotation was very high based and before I could get the video cameras ready, the rotation faded away. I was driving south to try and get in front of the storm where I could see it but the dash camera was not able to get a decent view due to the antenna and window frame in the way. This is when I needed a chase partner to film out the passenger side. This storm pulsed up and looked good then within 15 minutes it started to weaken again.
The storm to my northeast pulsed and then weakened a little, only to build bake up and become a beast that moved off to east and it was in a area just south of home. I followed the storm back home but I knew that there was no way I could keep up or even get back into the storm. I was just enjoying the weather and the drive in the country as the temperatures dropped from 98F to 75F.
In the city of Paynesville, I found that power was out to part of the city as numerous tree’s and tree limbs were blown down by straight line winds that helped to knock down the power lines. Someone told me that the transformer at the hospital blew up due to the storm. The firefighters told me that in the Cenex parking lot on old highway 23, large semi tractor trailer was blown over on its side and lots of trees were on buildings on the north side of town. They were correct. I saw a lot of damage and it looked like the possibility a micro burst combined with a lot of lightning that hit the area as everything was blown in the same direction over a several block area. I did not see much damage near my brothers cabin and off to the east of town so the damage was localized to the city of Paynesville.
This weekend has been a roller coaster for forecasting and chasing. With the crazy weather setups and forecasts for the Midwest looked great the day before, on the day of the chase, everything was not as great and chase targets have been way off target for a lot of people.
On June 4th, the main area of risk and where most of the chasers went to go cover was in central Kansas. A few stayed in Wyoming while the Colorado chasers I work with knew that the Palmer Devide area is always magical for weather. That was the day Eric Treece and Verne Carlson got amazing if not insane footage. Tony was pretty pissed that he went to Kansas along with others but all it takes is a degree or two in the cap and you get major storms or major busts. The setup was a little different in Colorado then it was in Kansas and with the dynamics of the area, Colorado won the day for severe weather.
The next day, virtually everyone that was in Kansas and could chase went back to Colorado to chase. A few unlucky chasers I know had to go back to work and go home. No disrespect to them since obligations are just that, OBLIGATIONS. I know I get shit from a few arm chair SPC chasers that say I don’t chase anymore when I have 50 people out in the field and I have obligations to them to make sure I’m working the news desk and to take care of them. At the same time, were in the June weather setup now, the weather pattern is shifting north, and we have the ridge setting up where it will bring the storms up north. Why drive all over the place when I don’t have to and can just wait for the weather to come to me?
Saturday was just one of those days where I wait for it to come to me. I woke up early to what I thought would be a pack up and take a trip to Nebraska to chase and then looking at the forecasts I said, eh, I think I will stay home. The area by McCook Nebraska would fire first and the area to the northeast would get screwed over. Where there storms in the area of northeastern Nebraska? Yes! Where there storms that were worth my time to drive 10 hours round trip along with an additional 4 hours of waiting and chasing to blow off a possible local chase where I saw a major flooding issue? That’s where I said, eh, no, I will stay home.
The decision to stay home was a good call as the flooding event did take place.
6/7/2015 Centeral MN Overnight flooding
The area just to the north and west of Saint Cloud was hit with at least five inches of rain. At one point Neva and I were documenting the flash flooding in Sartell, MN where several feet of water was in front of the police and fire department.
As we checked into the areas further to the northwest, the flooding and washed out roads were also pretty bad. You would have never known since MPX seems to have ignored the reports of the flooding in the area yet again. After seeing the flash flooding and the reports once again being blown off by the weather service, I’m just not going to bother to report anything anymore.
This week looks to be a busy week for severe weather again and I’ll be out chasing with the setups being closer to home and up north.
P.S. Last nights storms, missed those due to staying home to repair the dishwasher and I was not able to get out in time. Neva took off in her truck and shot some cool lightning photos while I was trying to play catch up with the storm.
The website infrastructure has been overhauled and now the core of everything here is up and running smoothly for my personal blog. The only problem I have now is that “Too Much Happens In A Day”
With all the side projects that I have agreed to help out with oer the last year or so from wedding videos, charity videos and just helping friends out, I have not had time for myself and barely had enough time for my business so the blog or I will like to call it going forward, “My Journal” had suffered immensely.
Today, or was it yesterday, I can not recall since I have yet to sleep, but sine I’m still awake, I will say it is today even though it happened technically yesterday since it is five in the morning, was pretty insane. A good friend of mine and one of the crew got some amazing footage but I also had flashbacks to 5/31/2013 or “El Reno” when I lost a couple of friends. Verne got caught up in the storm and drove down the wrong road and got hit by the tornado.
Many times while storm chasing, we depend on technology to help us with mapping and location in relation to the storm. What happens when the road that is on the map is no longer there? Today Verne had that problem. The road that was suppose to be an escape route turned into what he said was a “Two Mile Driveway” that when he got to the house at the end, there was no where left to go?
Here is the footage he shot. It is pretty insane.
6/4/2015 Storm Chaser Hit By Simla, CO Tornado
Now this was not the only video we had from today. If you go to you will see we had some great footage from Ben McMillan who was live streaming most of the day. Justin King had some great storm damage footage from just south of Loveland. Eric Treece and Brian Barnes were on the same storm as Verne. So Yes, Too Much Happens In A Day, but I fit it all in somehow.
Now the question is how to fall asleep and get up early enough to be ready for today’s or do I call it “Tomorrows Storms?” Not sure how but maybe a couple of shots of Tequila could help but I doubt it. Time to lay my head down next to Charley (aka Happy Cat) and let the purring from him help me start to mellow out and get a few hours of sleep before hitting the news desk again.
Going Retro… After years of ignoring my website and depending on “Social Media” for my posts which in the end are not my own if you read the Terms Of Service, I’m going back to updating my website on a much more regular basis.
Just like the photo below, I’m going retro, going back to listening to albums because they sound better and their more personal.
found my old albums from years ago
Now that it took a month to clean up and transfer the database, the updates should be flowing a lot more after I take care of the final bit of work this week, and I hope it might even be today or tomorrow.
The only independent video production that documents Hurricane Katrina from both sides of the eye as the storm devastated the United States Gulf Coast.
Hurricane Katrina DVD Documentary, from Miami to New Orleans and Biloxi.
The footage in this documentary was captured by my chase partner Chris Collura and myself from different parts of the hurricane. It was shot in Miami, FL at Katrina’s first land fall and in the air with the NOAA Hurricane Hunters, we chart Katrina’s path towards the record breaking landfall.
The footage continues in New Orleans, LA prior to Katrina to document the evacuation of the region. As the storm nears the Gulf Coast, it also continues in Biloxi, MS before the record breaking storm surge destroys the coast.
We bring you through the storm and after the storm for an in-depth look at what was really happening 24 hours after Katrina in New Orleans.
This production was filmed and produced by the videographers who were on the ground and in the middle of Katrina the storm and storm surge came on shore on the morning of 08/29/2005.
To license footage from our production, please contact us at No part of this production or any of our footage on our YouTube channel can be rebroadcast without prior written authorization.
One of these days I will have free time to finally get the updated setup for the page. I’m finally getting caught up on a lot of the behind the scenes work for SCV to get ready for spring. So here is the latest Aurora video and a still from last night out west.
After what seemed like a lifetime of overcast sky and above average temps in central Minnesota, we are finally back to real winter sub zero temperatures. Now don’t start yelling at me saying you hate the cold. If you hate the cold, leave, move to South Florida. I personally love the cold weather for one simple fact that we don’t have any bugs flying around for half the year. I’ll put on a coat, hat, and gloves if it means don’t have to cover myself in chemicals like Deet.
Another great thing about winter is the long nights and the chance to get to watch the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights.
Tonight was another one of those rare nights were just north of Saint Cloud, MN the lights were visible once again.
12/30/2014 Saint Cloud MN Auroras Borealis – Northern Lights
Below is the video I shot and one of the photographs form this mornings Aurora event. Time for me to get back to working on the new website. I hope to have it completed by the end of next month if not sooner.