I made it back home today from my Hurricane Irene chase in New England. I’ll be working all day tomorrow to get all the blog video, stock video and photography.
Here is a quick photo from today of a during and after on Long Point, Groton, CT on the south side of the island along the beach. Click on the image to see a larger copy of the image.
Before and after with Hurricane Irene in Long Point, Groton, CT
Off to get some much needed sleep. I will update the site with all the photos tomorrow.
While Hurricane Irene was being laughed at by people in the New York City area for being a lame rain on their weekend plans, 90 miles to the east Hurricane Irene lived up to the forecast with Hurricane force winds and storm surge.
Brian and I saw that the storm was looking more and more like a Nor-Easter and opted for the chase in the Groton Long Point area which is just north and east of Long Island. We were still in an area for good storm surge and combined with the high tide, it was just what we were expecting.
I’ll be posting more info and a full blog when I get back home with the photography but here are the videos we uploaded to Youtube.
8/28/2011 Hurricane Irene Slams Into Groton, CT Long Point Shoreline.
Brian and I made it into Boston, MA late last night and we had no problems getting setup with a rental and supplies for the chase. We are looking for a few things and when we went into a Walmart store, you would have thought it was Katrina Looting with how bare the shelves were. But it was not looting, it was just all the people stocking up on dry goods and canned goods for supplies for the hurricane.
Empty shelves at a Walmart store prior to Hurricane Irene
I had to take that photo with my Droid x2 since cameras and news crews are not allowed in Walmart.
Right now, the eye of Hurricane Irene is just to the south of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The forecast track is for the worst of Irene to pass off shore to the east of the islands and now track to the northeast and pretty much up to our location.
NHC Track for Hurricane Irene 2011
We are setup for today with our hotel in Warwick, RI which is 70 miles east of the center of the latest forecast track for Hurricane Irene.
If the hurricane track shifts east like I think it will do later today, we will be in perfect position for a direct land fall impact on this area by a Cat 1 hurricane. If the track moves further east, we still have a lot of ground to our east before the Atlantic coast along the Cape Cod area.
I will update my blog when I can over the next few days. Time to get a few hours of sleep.
Made the call last night, Brian and I our on our way to the east coast to chase Hurricane Irene.
I will update more when I can. We just got (BNVN) video in from
Nassau in the Bahamas of Hurricane Irene hitting there yesterday.
BNVN has multiple crews out covering Hurricane Irene from the Bahamas
to New England. We will be updating our site and our Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/bnvn1 as new footage comes in.
Footage shot by our crews in downtown Nassau in the Bahamas as the center of Hurricane Irene passed off shore to the east.
The video is seven minutes long and is from the heart of Nassau as
the area was hit hard by Hurricane Irene. The footage shows several
buildings were damaged or destroyed as the wind was whipping the island.
There is footage along the coast as the waves were smashing up against
the sea wall. At one point in the video a buoy broke lose and is
smashing up against a sea wall in a harbor. Through the high winds, the
sounds of alarms can be heard in the background.
I know I have been slacking with updating my personal blog. With
Twitter feeds, facebook fan pages and stuff for BNVN, and personal
stuff, I have not had time to update this page.
So what is new with me? Moved myself into a new office space so I
can focus on work and I have been working like crazy over the last week
on getting caught up with projects that are way overdue.
Right now I’m working on getting a ton of stock footage updated and the new tropical storm system named Irene. I’ve been up most of the night watching the radar from San Juan, PR where Tropical Storm Irene made landfall during the overnight and now the center is back over open water to the north of the island.
Tropical Storm Irene in San Juan, PR
Right now I’m pouring over all the forecast data and historical data
from past storms to see what the possible forecast for Irene will be.
One possible forecast might be that this could end up as a fish storm
and curve back out to sea.
A vivid display of the Auroras Borealis or Northern Lights erupted
late Friday, Aug. 5th and continued well past midnight over Central
Minnesota. The light show was caused when a coronal mass ejection (CME)
hit Earth’s magnetic field and sparked a G4-category geomagnetic storm
according NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction Space
Weather Prediction Center.
The bright green aurora was highlighted with pink, red and purple colors as it pulsated for several hours. At times it was bright enough to shine though the high thin lay of clouds that moved over the area.
8/6/2011 Auroras Borealis “NorthernLights” over central Minnesota
Today I was out in the severe storms that hit central Minnesota during the afternoon with storms firing up in Stearns County before moving into the Twin Cities Metro area.
This video was shot in Southern Stearns County on the county line south of Paynesville, MN. The storms hit the area with high winds, heavy rain, lightning and even a weak wall cloud that tried to produce a funnel.
Well today was an interesting day for the chase. On my way home from a heavy rain event southwest of home, I found this German Sheppard on Highway 15 and Interstate 94 south of Saint Cloud, Minnesota while driving home after the storms. She was in the road and I stopped to see if she had a name tag to bring her home, she did not.
Lost dog found
She is extremely friendly and jumped right in the back of my truck when I opened the back door for her. I did not want her to get hit by a passing vehicle on the road so I took her with me into town to look for the owner.
I called the one person that posted a lost and found on Craigslist for a German Sheppard and met up with them but this was not their dog. They did agree to take in this dog to try and help find the owner and bring her in to scan for an RFID tag.
They did say that they were called about this dog since they lost their dog and this dog was found and left at a farm about 10 miles from where I found it so I can only assume that she is trying to find her family and her way home. If you recognize this dog, please contact us and I will put you in touch with the person we left her with.
Here are the smaller photo of the German Sheppard. Just click on each photo to view the larger photo.
Just getting my blog updated from this weekend. Severe storms and a
tornado warned storm impacted the Kandiyohi County area to the south of
Willmar, MN.
The slow moving storms made for some great time lapse video as the storms virtually sat in place.
The video shows a great looking thunderstorm with a wall cloud and
possible weak funnel cloud under it that was very brief before falling
Also in this video is a time lapse of the storm from the dash camera to show the storm motion.