3/21/2009 Quick Update From Fargo, ND and the flooding

Okay, just a quick update from the field.  I’m in Fargo, ND right now and just feeding off footage of the flooding that I shot today.  The flooding up here is getting worse and there is rain forecasted for Monday. 

I’m just wrapping up and going to head back home for the night but I wanted to upload a few screen grabs.  I already filled 4 memory cards in my still camera today and over an hour of stock footage, and the main show has not even started. 

Here is a screen grab from the video of the flood gauge on the Buffalo river that is flooded out with massive ice blocks from the Ice Jam smashed up against it.

Here are the images from today.

3/10/2009 Fergus Falls, MN Blizzard Video

Headed north on I94 today and into the eye of the blizzard. 

1152 AM CDT TUE MAR 10 2009



Fergus Falls, MN Blizzard 3/10/2009

All geared up and ready to go but which direction?

MPX area forecast
Blizzard Warning, Winter Storm Warnings, and fun weather 3/10/2009

The above map shows where I am and where the weather is going to be.  I’m all geared up and just have to put the cameras and computer in the truck and head out but which way?  I could head towards the cities and work on one project or head out west for blizzard footage but in the middle of farm country. 

Or the other option, stay home and work on stuff from home and head out when it gets closer to home.

I know TWC has a double crew up in Duluth so there is no reason to head up that way to film plus if the forecast for northern Minnesota is right, that area will be getting hit hard with a lot of snow and you won’t be able to get in or out of there for a few days.  I’m going to make the call in about an hour for which way to head out. 

Winter is not done yet, major winter storm to hit Minnesota tomorrow and Tuesday.

Yeah, I know I have been slacking on updating the blog but I have been super busy with video editing for the new BNVN site. 

I’m going to be taking a break from that work to get back to shooting footage this week of a major winter storm to hit Minnesota.  This is going to be one of the bigger storms to hit the area from Saint Cloud to Fargo. 

NWS Forecast for this storm

So what else have I been up to?  Nothing really except for sitting in the office and working on footage stuff and drinking lots of coffee.  Today I’m hoping that I can setup the last of the final batch of video’s for the new site and then get working on databases and layout this week.

Wrap of a busy week.

It’s Friday evening and Neva and I are relaxing at home after a busy week of winter weather.

This week we got hit by a couple of snow storms with one being huge yesterday.  The storm was a winner for shooting B-roll and for stock footage.  I have uploaded a video of the two ENG video packages that I shot yesterday.   

The first part of the video is from St. Cloud, MN, since the storm that was suppose to start at six in the morning, did not start until about ten in the morning and it started further to the north and west so I focused on where the snow was happening vs where it was suppose to be happening.

The next part of the video was shot around the Minneapolis, MN metro area.  I avoided shooting in downtown Minneapolis since Mike and Brad from TWC were in town to broadcast live coverage of the snow storm where I would have been so I was able to focus on the B-Roll footage and stock footage for this event and not worry so much on shooting news footage. 

Here is the footage that I uploaded.

2/26/2019 Winter Storm Video
2/26/2019 Winter Storm Video
2/26/2019 Winter Storm Video

The State of the state of the news industry

There is a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes in the news and weather video business and it’s not just about what I’m doing but what is happening in general and to the whole economy.

While at the Chaser Convention last week in Denver, which I drove my own truck out to save money, a lot of people were asking me about getting into the video business and I just had one word for them, RUN!  Yes RUN, stay as far away from the news video business as you can.  No it is not just from a stand point of I don’t want anymore competition in the industry because the viewer video has already taken care of that aspect of making just about anyone a chaser, but it is the media business in general. 

I’m a member to several news groups and one of the sites today, news blues, reported this as their top story.

Now before you read this, consider this, why would anyone want to get into this business if it is failing all over the place for the most part? 

One week after declaring bankruptcy but assuring employees that it would “continue to operate (the) business in the ordinary course as we reorganize,” Young Broadcasting informed its stations Friday that, beginning today, it would no longer pay vendor accounts. News departments were advised to gas up vehicles over the weekend, because the use of Mobil gas cards would cease. Payments to Sony and other suppliers would be suspended.

“Maybe we can car pool to the local breaking news,” suggested one perplexed news photog.

In the letter to staff on Friday the 13th, Vincent Young, CEO of Young Broadcasting, assured employees that “We have 20 million dollars of cash on hand and plan to continue to operate our business in the ordinary course as we reorganize. Our television stations will continue broadcasting without interruption, our employees will be paid as usual, and our vendors and suppliers will be paid for all post-petition goods and services.”

In fact, Young had cash on hand because it had defaulted, in recent weeks, on $10,638,000 in interest payments to senior lenders. At least one television executive scoffed that: “20 million in the bank won’t last long when most of your stations are operating at a deficit.”

Apparently, the cash lasted a week.

Station Group:
KRON 4 MyTV – San Francisco, CA – (# 6)
WKRN 2 ABC – Nashville, TN – (# 29)
WTEN 10 ABC – Albany, NY – (# 57)
WCDC 19 ABC – Albany, NY – (# 57)
WRIC 8 ABC – Richmond, VA – (# 58)
WATE 6 ABC – Knoxville, TN – (# 59)
WBAY 2 ABC – Green Bay, WI – (# 70)
KWQC 6 NBC – Davenport, IA – (# 97)
KELO 3/6/11/15 CBS – Sioux Falls, SD – (# 113)
WLNS 6 CBS – Lansing, MI – (# 114)
KLFY 10 CBS – Lafayette, LA – (# 123)

And if that was not bad enough, the headlines today go on with the following.


Philadelphia Media Holdings LLC, owner of The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Philadelphia Daily News, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Sunday in an effort to restructure its debt load.


The Journal Register Company, publisher of 20 daily and 159 community newspapers, serving parts of Philadelphia, Michigan, Connecticut, Cleveland, and New York, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Saturday.


Rupert Murdoch’s love of newspapers and his decision to buy The Wall Street Journal may have placed parent company News Corp. at risk, reports today’s New York Times….which is struggling for its own life.

Now with the news industry in the slums for the lack of a better description, now another group is trying to get into the business of live chaser video for local TV stations.  From what I heard, they tried to get all their stuff up and running over the last month and then merge with another chaser video company doing the same thing but they ended up telling them to get screwed. 

For those in the chaser community the whole thing is pretty entertaining to watch people with no media experience what so ever, other then providing chaser viewer video for on screen name recognition and then try to get into the media market with a new company as the industry is dying. 

People wonder why I never got into dealing with the local TV markets and I’m now planning on going back to film school in the fall if I can afford it and focus more on other projects outside of news while working with the core BNVN crew.  NEWS is dying and for the most part, journalism is dead.  Get out while you can because here is another quote from NB today. 

Appearing on CNN’s Reliable Sources to promote his new book, the increasingly irritating Bernard Goldberg explained that the news media thought it was on a “noble mission” to help elect Barack Obama because the Illinois senator was young, cool, and black.

“I’m saying they crossed the line from media bias to media activism,” Goldberg told Howard Kurtz. “And they did it because they felt the cause was worth it. What Chris Matthews talked about, a ‘thrill running up his leg,’ that’s not commentary. That’s a man-crush.”

When is it the “media’s mission” to do anything other than report THE NEWS.  When you start to craft and create the news, it is not the news, it is now entertainment.

update on stuff and stuff

Okay, It’s been over a week since I updated my blog but that’s because I was pretty busy. 
Where do I start?  Okay went to Denver for the Storm Chase Convention.  It was okay but I’m so sick of hearing about the same forecasting stuff for the last 5 years.  There needs to be more time for mixing and meeting people.  That was what the whole thing was about when it started, hanging out and meeting friends and making new friends.

Lets see, still no official air date on the show or at least anything I can talk about.  Sorry folks but that’s just the facts of life when you sign a contract that says STFU.  It was funny hearing people talk about what they think is going to happen on the show when I was at the convention and I really had to top from busting out laughing. After years and years of hard work and risking my life, I finally got my profile on Weather.com   


Steve Martin in the movie The Jerk

I feel like Steve Martin in the movie The Jerk when he got the new phone book and his name was in it. 

But what else is going on?  I got a ton of stuff happening behind the scenes and I don’t think blogging about video editing stuff and the boring side of the video production would be all that interesting.  I could blog about trans-coding HD footage and making demo tapes for clients but I really think people would get bored with that. 

Update on stuff and today’s severe weather event.

Ok, just an update with stuff and why I have been off the grid so to speak.  I have been reviewing the huge amount of archive footage that we have and reviewing a ton of footage lately for the new web site. To give you an idea about how much video were talking about, it is in the three terabyte range.  It’s a lot of stuff…

And video, with the “LIVE CHASE VIDEO” fad hitting the chaser scene over the last year, I have looked into it but right now, unless your doing something for a TV News station and being paid to stream video, it’s still a major pain in the ass from what I have experienced.

As a chaser, yes you can stream but the video for the most part is not all that good.  When I started streaming years ago with a webcam, I did it with a system that would put up a new low rez JPG image every 2 seconds.  The image quality was good but it was not ASAP fast video.  Now with the latest video coming on line, they all kind of suck. There, I said it, not holding out on any of the streams, some of who are friends of mine, yes all the setups kind of suck. 

Looking at the Flash Video setup which is being used by two of the three streamer groups, the feeds look good if they are in a parking lot.  But the second they start rolling done the road, forget it, it looks like crap.  Motion blur on the flash is just plain bad from what I have seen.  Then there is the Windows media setup from the other company who has a decent setup but they also have a major server issue as in it was down for a chunk of the day.  They are for sure going to catch hell about that from the chaser community but who knows, maybe they just maxed out their viewers or something.  But it was down and that’s going to give them a P.R. issue.  Anyways, the feeds when they did work did look better then the blurry flash video from the other two sources.  But all three of the sources had issues they could not help, that was crap in, crap out, crap content.  

Yes, the feeds looked like crap, as in there was nothing worth watching in the first place.  Some had dark skies but blurred video while others were under blue sky busts.  I finally ended up just going over to watch the live feeds on KOCO which was pretty damn good for the most part.  KFOR had some decent chopper cam footage as well of the tornado that hit north of OKC in the Edmond area. 

Now the coverage from KFOR and KOCO has been pretty entertaining for the most part.  I can really feel the HYPE of the situation from some of the news reports when I was just watching the weather channel.  It feels like they are going into “RED ALERT STORM MODE” and looking for death and destruction and there just getting some destruction as they would from any storm but no MAJOR destruction or people being killed. In other words, an average spring chase day in Oklahoma. 

In other news, the stimulus bill passed today and America is pretty much on the path to Socialism.  I heard parts of Obama’s town hall meeting today where people where asking for their free stuff.  There is no such thing as a free lunch and people are expecting free stuff.  Sorry, but I bust may ass and risk my life to do what I do for a living and the pay is not that great.  Why should I pay for someone else who makes mistakes and failed?  Let people fail and then maybe people will LEARN from their mistakes and we will all be better and smarter in the long run.

Harry Connick Jr. Autograph Signing

Harry Connick Jr. Autograph Signing At The Mall Of America

Tonight Neva and I were working on a project for my stock video collection.  While I was shooting footage, Neva was taking photographs of the event.

We posted just a few of the photographs on line and I have a bunch of video to still review and catalog from tonights event.  Here is the full bio of the event. 

Harry Connick Jr. is starring in the upcoming movie “New In Town”, which opens nationwide January 30, 2009. Harry Connick Jr. also starred in “P.S. I Love You, Bug”, “The Iron Giant”, “Independence Day”, and the television show “Will and Grace”. Harry, also a talent musician and singer, composed music for the movie “When Harry Met Sally” and has released his own albums including “Other Hours” and “Harry for the Holidays.”

Also appearing from the new movie will be Siobhan Fallon who has been on Saturday Night Live and Seinfeld.

The New In Town Celebration Day will include a Tapioca tasting, a winter fashion show, an autograph signing and a red carpet appearance for a prescreening of “New In Town.”

So Cold Out, It Hurts To Breathe

-36F on the air temp readout
-36F on the air temp readout

Okay, this morning I wanted to get into one of the coldest spots I could find and I did it just down the road from the St. Cloud Minnesota Airport while heading into Minneapolis to shoot some early morning cold weather footage.   When I got out to experience the -36F temps, it was a shock to the system and hurt to breathe the air since it was so cold if you were not expecting it.

This is NOT the wind chill but the actual air temp.  Factor in the wind chill and it was well past -41F or the break even point when -41F is about the same as -41C. 

Yeah, someone find me someone talking about Global Warming and how green house gas is bad…  I had to let my truck warm up for about a half an hour this morning just to be able to survive.  The news radio was reporting 2 dead this week from the cold in St. Paul.  Funny, I can’t remember anyone dead in Minnesota from Record Heat. 

Yes this cold is getting annoying and it may climb up into the normal temp range by Monday before the next big deep freeze hits but hey at least some man eating polar bear can walk around on the ice in the dark up north this time of year.