What a massive waste of time and productivity. Yes I said it and was suckered into working on social media crap today, er Yesterday, Friday 1/12/2019.
Yes it it just after midnight, I was suppose to be in bed and sleeping about an hour ago but nope, still working on the work I promised myself I would get done today with the website transfer. Yes, I started replying to people on CrackBook (Facebook) and that was at 8am this morning after I dropped off Laura to daycare and settled into the office after I made coffee and had breakfast. The next thing I knew it was 3:30pm and I did not confirm with Neva if she was picking up Laura after work of if I was and she was going to work later and get some overtime at work.
So I pretty much wasted most of the day dealing with social media crap and did not get a chance do the work I needed to do on this site transfer. The goal for this weekend is to have all the blogs moved over and the Hurricane pages also moved. Pretty much the whole site. I will be realistic and say by Tuesday at the latest.
After that massive part is completed, I will then take on the overwhelming task of reviewing a life time of work for the photo gallery pages on this site as I will be moving away from Smug Mug since in the several years, I have not made a fn dime off that service.
Still photography sales will be handled personally by me and the local lab here in Saint Cloud, MN that is one of the few professional processing and printing labs left in the country. Lucky me, it is only ten minutes away from the house.
So if you are following along with the temp dot net page here before I convert it back to the dot com, don’t worry, the work is being done, just slowly today.
Oh yeah, only 540 pages left to move 🙂