3/6/2006 P.M. Just watched The Weather Channel show Storm Stories and I found that they now have the Hurricane Rita shows out now for the Coast Guard Rescue’s Storm Stories. It look’s like they had about 10 minutes or more, of my 2005 Hurricane footage in both of their shows about Hurricane Rita. SWEET!!!! Can’t wait to see the Hurricane Wilma show sometime soon.
AM video shoot
3/5/2006 Today was a snowy day in the Twin Cities as an inch of new heavy wet snow fell and made driving very dangerous around the metro area while I was out playing Weather Channel Photographer again. I was out on the big wreck of the day shooting aftermath footage of a flat bed semi truck that flipped over on the Highway 52 south entrance from downtown St. Paul.
3/5/2006 Out playing Weather Channel Photographer

Dive trip and Nola Katrina DVD
3/3/2006 Still very busy with the NolaKatrinaDVD site. I will be doing a couple radio interviews next week regarding the footage. I’ll post more when I know more about them and the time and stations there on. Trying to get all the video for WeatherPaparazzi.com up now and plan my Scuba trip and shoot video and take care of the Nola stuff. I never thought I would be this busy when I started out years ago but it is a good thing.
Working from home
3/1/2006 Very busy with the NolaKatrinaDVD site. Getting everything setup for the site for the DVD launch.
2/28/2006 Warmer in the metro
2/28/2006 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel today. It was another warm day in the metro area. Kind of funny seeing people running around with shorts on this time of year with snow still on the ground.

2/25/2006 Finally getting the blog up to date and I got my Christmas Present in today. My new scuba diving gear showed up today. I can’t wait to get back to Florida to play with it.
2/24/2006 I was at the gym working out today with my buddy Steph when I got a phone call from The Weather Channel. “Doug, can you go to Duluth and get us video for Evening Edition?” Hmm, let’s see, Duluth is about 200 miles away from my place, its 2:00 P.M. and I all of my equipment was at home. Um Sure… we wrapped up the work out and I bailed home to pack my gear and hit the road. A couple hour’s later and I was in downtown Duluth with about a foot of new snow.

I have never been to Duluth but I was suppose to come up here on a weekend vacation last summer until a storm ruined those plan’s and everything else… Duluth seems like an ok town but it seemed to me as a place that was cool to visit but I would not want to live there. I stayed for a while and into the overnight and shot some more video for the network before I came back home. The snow was deep in parts of town but the hill’s in town and the change in elevation was what really got me. It was about 650 feet at the lake and you gained almost 600 feet just driving up a few miles to the west. My ears popped and I could really feel the change in air pressure.

2/23/2006 Cold in Minneapolis, MN
02/23/2006 I got the new site up and running for the Hurricane Katrina Home Video DVD. This is to go along with the Nola.com stuff that I’m doing. The new site is now the Hurricane Katrina Blog and Hurricane DVD Storm. The site is www.NolaKatrinaDVD.com . I was also out playing Weather Channel Photographer in Minneapolis again today. A very busy day indeed!!!

2/22/2006 This morning I was out shooting for The Weather Channel. Not feeling that good with all the traveling and the poor bed in Denver at the hotel. I am not a fan of the sleep number beds. Nice hotel but it had a lot of issues…
2/20/2006 ChaserCon and in the Mountains
2/20/2006 We blew off the convention on Sunday afternoon to go have a BNVN Business Meeting in the mountains… Click on the small thumbnails to view the larger photographs.