Got Aurora Photos and Video

11/08/2004 Got some sweet video of the Auroras or Northern Lights during the overnight hours. Check out the Aurora Video I uploaded to YouTube.

You can also check out my Aurora photo gallery I now have up in the photo gallery section.

11/8/2004 Aurora Borealis Northern Lights over Minnesota
11/072004 Northern Lights Video – Aurora Borealis Video – Stock Aurora Video Footage

Back in Florida Today

11/05/2004 In Florida!!!

After taking some much needed time off and doing nothing, I feel great!!! I needed a vacation bad and now I’m starting to get back into the mix again. No, I’m not in bad shape. As a matter of fact, the Doctors said I’m in great health, I just need to get more then 4 hours of sleep a day from now on and cut back on the junk food and coffee. In short, I was burning out fast and felt like crap.

So today I’m off to Florida to visit Punta Gorda and see what it looks like several months after Hurricane Charley destroyed the town. I must admit, it was good to do nothing and take a week off to do nothing!!!

I need to do that more often!

Back out after relaxing

10/22/2004 After taking several days off of doing NOTHING which was everything I dreamed it would be, I’m back on the hunt!!! Currently I’m somewhere in southern Minnesota storm chasing and relaxing, cranking some old school Metallica Garage Days… Its a good thing I had several days to rest up and focus on other stuff because today is going to be a long day. I was already out this morning playing Weather Channel Photographer in the fog around Minneapolis. I did get some sweet footage after my morning shoot downtown and did a bunch of footage of planes in the fog at Minneapolis International Airport.

10/22/2004 Aviation fog video from Minneapolis, MN international airport.

Taking needed time off.

10/14/2004, Taking some much needed and doctor ordered time off to relax and work on some personal projects, not work.

With all the running around it caught up to me yesterday during the morning. So for the next few days, I’m going to be relaxing and kicking back on the couch and doing nothing… per doctors orders.  

Of course, with my luck, it will probably start snowing on Friday in Minneapolis… But, I’m now going to be limiting my schedule now to create more free time for me. What I’m I going to do with time off? Knowing how I’m a workaholic, I’ll probably kick back on the couch and update this webpage finally…

10/10/2004 Relaxing and taking more time off to just do nothing.

Amazing sunset over the Minnesota River Valley from Burnsville, MN © Doug Kiesling 10/10/2004

Relaxing and taking more time off to just do nothing. Well I did do something but not something that had me traveling all over the country. I went to the river and took some fun photography of some fall colors.

Now I’m starting work on Monday of the Hurricane Frances and Jeanne video. This video is going to be just as sweet as our Hurricane Charley video.

10/6/2004 Blog update – Working at home trying to get caught up.

10/06/2004 I’m home working on all the stock video requests for the hurricane footage.

Also, I’m now working on the next home video project. This is different from the Hurricane Charley video. Charley is a personal documentary that brings the viewer into the storm as a member of the chase team.
My new project, Septembers Fury or Four Hurricanes In Forty Five Days will have video from Hurricane Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne as well as some bonus storm chasing footage for those who just want to see some of the raw crazy video that I shoot I’m also working on the new webpage layout. Finally going to get it cleaned up.