10/4/2004 Blog update, working to hard today.

10/04/2004 It’s 4:30 am in the morning, the temp in my Jeep says its 38F outside and I just got done shooting my first video package of the morning for The Weather Channel.

Yes playing cold weather Videographer this morning and to think that just 8 days ago I was just finishing up my Hurricane Jeanne video shoot in Fort Pierce Florida and it was in the 80s there.

Nothing like a 50 degree temp change to wake you up. Well, at least when it gets cold and nasty here, we still have power, food, gas, water (if the pipes don’t freeze) and all the other comforts of home inside when its cold outside. Ok, time to get back to work…

10/1/2004 Trying to catch up with tons of work.

I’m really backed up on getting all the stock video footage out to clients and I had a full day of video shooting for The Weather Channel. Work started at 4:45 AM then  8:00 AM and another at 2:00 PM for the shoots of the weather going from bad to just crappy cold rain.

Only thing left to do now is snow… Yes, I put in a 12 hours video shoot shift and trying to get stuff caught up after all the hurricane chases, I’m getting a little burned out. I need a vacation from my workaholicism self…

9/26/2004 Hurricane Jeanne Video Update

In Orlando Florida Tonight.  I had a VERY Successful Chase and was in Fort Pierce Beach Florida, The Same Place  For Hurricane Frances.

I shot a lot of great footage for our Hurricane Jeanne Video collection. I posted the video the was on The Weather Channel this morning but due to lack of sleep, I’ll post the Hurricane Jeanne Photographs when I wake up.

Here is a short video from my Hurricane Jeanne chase.

Hurricane Jeanne, September 2004, Stock Video Catalog Package.

9/23/2004 Out shooting video this afternoon for The Weather Channel.

Out shooting video this afternoon for The Weather Channel. We had some crazy High Winds and Rain that I shot footage of.  Below is the video I uploaded to Youtube.

9/23/2004 Windy Weather breaks window cleaners away from high rise building.

I also finished the Hurricane Charley home video today. What a load off my back. This video is just freaking sweet. This is not some lame home chasing video that you might find on Ebay, but a digitally mastered and mixed 85 minute serious production that brings you through the storm with the crew while the storm hits.

I have been up for about a day and a half working on finishing the video before I take off to chase Hurricane Jeanne this weekend.

9/19/2004 I’m back home in Minneapolis, MN after Hurricane Ivan

I’m back home in Minneapolis. I have added all the Hurricane Ivan photographs on my Hurricane Ivan Blog page

Hurricane Ivan Storm Surge

This morning I have to go shoot some early morning video for The Weather Channel in Minneapolis and then go and get the Hurricane Charley DVD’s pressed. The Hurricane Charley home video just rocks!!! It’s not a home video, its a sweet Independent Movie now!!!