Hurricane Ivan is hitting Mobile AL and I’m here watching the town take a beating. The town is holding up pretty good for the most part but some stuff took a beating.

Hurricane Ivan, Sept 2004, Stock Video Catalog Package.

Video shows high winds blowing through downtown Mobile, AL during the overnight hours. Footage of winds blowing debris through the streets and knocking down trees and ripping off the front of a hotel during the height of the storm.

Aftermath footage of flooding on Battleship Parkway and Interstate Ten and then footage of massive flooding and debris covered roadway on Gulf Shores Parkway.

Chasing from Minneapolis, MN to Hurricane Ivan

Early this morning I was out shooting video for The Weather Channel for the morning show.

The rain in Minneapolis has been pretty much non-stop for the last 24 hours and parts of southern Minnesota are flooding.

So where am I right now? I’m now in Florida to chase Hurricane Ivan.

Chick back to see updates on the blog about this storm.

9/14/2004 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel

9/14/2004 Out shooting video for The Weather Channel this morning of the thunderstorms that rolled through Minneapolis this morning. Getting Ready to get myself on the way down to Mobile Alabama now to go and chase Hurricane Ivan. Here is a photo that I took from my deck. It’s not my best since it was with an older digital camera that sucks to work with but good enough for a blog. 

9/14/2004 Overnight Lightning Video.

9/8/2004 I’m Still Alive…

“I AM STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!” We were on North Hutchinson Island Florida, just east of Fort Pierce Florida for most of Hurricane Frances and we have a lot of video and photos. I’m still trying to get organized but I’m uploading a ton of footage.

Hurricane Frances, Sept 2004, Stock Video Catalog Package.

9/4/2004 I look like crap on TV

Its an early morning but we were doing TV interviews with Fox 29 and News 12 in Fort Pierce Florida. Time to get some sleep and have some fun in the morning with this now small Hurricane Frances which may only be a Cat 1 when it comes on shore.

Doug Kiesling on the new trying to scare the locals to get the hell out of town before the hurricane.

Group shot of everyone at the hotel.

Very rare Hurricane Chasing Chaser Convergence before Hurricane Frances.

9/4/2004 Hurricane Frances, On Hutchinson Island

Getting pounded in Fort Pierce Beach Florida and watching a trailer park blow away.

Home on Hutchinson Island getting ripped apart

Shooting Video And Still Photography In Fort Pierce Florida. There is me in the Orange Rain Suit.

© Doug Kiesling in Hurricane Frances

All of the video is now up in the Hurricane Frances Video section on StormChasingVideo.com

9/3/2004 Hurricane Frances Blog Update

Currently heading for Hurricane Frances that is heading for us. Here are some photos that I have taken over the last 24 hours. 11 year old Tyler Booth of Okeechobee Florida stands guard waiting for looters while his family gets ready for Hurricane Frances.

Don’t mess with Florida
The Edge Of Frances Above And The outer rain bands below are moving into Florida.
Rain bands starting from Hurricane Frances

The Orlando Florida Airport Is A Mess With Thousands Of People Trying To Get Out Of Frances Path As It Moves Towards Florida.

Security lines at Orlando International Airport before Hurricane Frances
Security lines at Orlando International Airport before Hurricane Frances
North Bound Roads Are Backed Up As Millions Of People In Florida Flee From Hurricane Frances.
It’s not a storm chase unless the DOW’s shows up.

En-route to Florida to chase Hurricane Frances

Powerful Hurricane Frances Is Moving Towards Florida. I’m Now In Orlando Florida. After a pretty sweet and fast flight on Sun Country and kicking back in seat 1A, I was able to get a good meal and some sleep. I’m going to need it. The Orlando International Airport Is A Mad House.

I shot a bunch of video of the people getting out of the area due to Hurricane Frances. The gas stations are running out of fuel and the turnpikes heading north are jammed packed with people.  I will post photos and video soon…

9/1/2004 Getting ready for Hurricane Frances.

Getting all the gear ready to go to Florida tomorrow to shoot lots of Hurricane Frances Footage. I’m expecting that the Hurricane Frances video is going to be just as crazy if not more then the Hurricane Charley Video. Now that I got my feet wet with Hurricane Charley and learned from some mistakes, I’m planning on having some fun shooting video during Hurricane Francis.